12 MONTHS OF Personalization and Customization via Personal Mentorship
After the Big House residential component, I continue my one on one contact with each student. Our first task is to discover the current natural level of functioning of the skills learned. We will be looking for a match between what Intuitive Heart Discovery methods you are drawn to and areas of both your personal and professional life that could benefit from innovation. We then work together to discover how you can use those particular Intuiitve Heart methods to make advances in those areas. By doing so, the student internalizes the material, the skills, and develops a personal basis for valuing the methods, and a foundation of expertise for sharing with others. The student is now able to speak from personal experience about the value of these Intuitive Heart Discovery methods. This phase is often an important confidence building process that facilitates the implementation of the training group needed for certification.
The second phase of the training is a personal mentorship with me and the trainee. We work together to find ways in which the Intuitive Heart discovery processes can be customized to the trainees situations and needs. We work both on the use of the Intuitive Heart Discovery tools for personal use and customized for the kinds of professional situations the trainee confronts for which Intuitive Heart tools could be helpful. This second phase creates a lot of confidence in the trainee as actual examples from real life prove to the trainee that their Intuitive Heart skills are truly making a difference. We encourage our trainees to share their learning process with other trainees, to enhance our community of learners. This phase of the training may take anywhere from two to six months, depending upon the individual. The third phase may overlap some with this phase, as well as the fourth phase. We work together until there's confidence in the skills.
The second phase also includes a special series of training exercises that you work on in conjunction with other team members from your Big House week. On the one hand, each team member is assigned a colleague to support. Working with this colleague as a "learning client," you practice your skills encouraging that team member to develop and implementing their plans for applying their learniing. At the same time, you receive that same level of personal support and training from another colleague whom you met at the Big House. As that work develops, you and your colleagues will venture out into some small practicums, called "micro services," for which you may charge a minimal fee in exchange for written feedback and evaluation. In this sequence of "Learn by Earning" exercises, you develop your confidence that you have something of value to offer to others. Each month you call in to Henry to discuss your progress, and his mentorship keeps you in touch with your heart's sense of harmony, it's pacing for your development, and its encouragement for you to reach out to others to share that growing Intuitive Heart.
For those who intend to go on to become a Certified Intuitive Heart Provider, this yearlong personalization and application phase develops your confidence so that you can focus on the social and communal aspects of sharing the Intuitive Heart skills in a structured group format. In this way you fulfill Edgar Cayce's ideal of the small group for intuitive and spiritual development.