The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies
Site Map Atlantic University The Association for Research and Enlightenment Edgar Cayce The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies
An Education Outreach Program Hosted by ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY                    

The Edgar Cayce Dream Quest Project

Research Your Dreams

Discover Hidden Intuitions

Opportunities for Research & Enlightenment

To register for this project, or to get more information, email (home office: STARBUCK@LS.NET)

Some thirty years ago, A.R.E. members participated in a dream project that made history. We demonstrated that people working alone in their homes, without professional assistance, can interpret their dreams to obtain guidance about reaching their goals. The project made use of Edgar Cayce's unique methodology for dreamwork and demonstrated its power. People can learn to interpret their dreams when applying them for practical purposes.

To celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the A.R.E. Dream Research Project, The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies is initiating a new project on Dreams and Intuition. The tools used in the original project have been updated and expanded, making them even more powerful. While participants in the project will learn how to do intuitive investigations with their dreams, the Institute will be researching the relationship between the types of questions asked of dreams and the types of answers received.

This  Experiment in Obtaining Intuitive Guidance in Dreams will provide you with an important learning experience. You will attempt to use your dreams for intuitive guidance relative to some constructive lifestyle change or improvement you'd like to implement. It could be developing better health habits, improving a relationship, working on a challenging invention or other creative project.

Depending upon the quality and level of your participation, your involvement in this project may include:

  • a better connection with your dreams

  • new dream interpretation skills

  • significant progress on reaching your improvement goals

You have a choice of three levels of participation:

The Standard Option, PLUS: As is standard with A.R.E. (Edgar Cayce) home-study research projects, you pay a nominal fee to participate, both because our home study research projects always provide a significant learning experience for participants, and because we assume you want to support this research as well. As is standard, you will be provided with a detailed research protocol to guide you through a weekly process of interpreting your dreams, developing insights from them regarding the target area for improvement, and then developing an action plan to test out your insight. You will also receive other resources and tools to help you work with your dreams during the project. You work alone with the materials.

PLUS (and this is an addition to the usual standard package) you will have an exit interview with the researcher, Henry Reed, Ph.D., to help you integrate what you have learned.

To learn more about this Standard Option, click here!

In addition to the Standard Option, we have added two alternative options for certain individuals who might find one of these alternatives more attractive than the standard package.

The Do-It-Yourself Option: This option is for adventurous souls who would like to venture out on a Dream Quest using their own method for testing Edgar Cayce's suggestions about how to receive intuitive guidance from dreams. In this option, given but a few hints about how to get help from dreams, you'll devise and use your own method for pursuing a dream quest. This method requires no financial investmen for the participant and will help us discover just how far people can go on their own. It will also help us to learn new techniques we can share with others. At the end of your experimentation, you will complete a questionnaire and receive a gift.

To learn more about this Do-It-Yourself Option, click here!

The Mentored Option: This option is for those who want to insure that they maximize the learning experience that the Dream Quest provides. Paraticipants who choose this option work hand-in-hand with the researcher, Henry Reed, Ph.D., who mentors you in the use of the research protocols and helps you make the most of the program. This method requires more of a financial and time investment, but you receive the kind of personal attention to your learning process that many people appreciate.

To learn more about this Mentored Option, click here!

The Standard and Mentored methods provide the same powerful tools. The methods differ in the amount of personal attention you receive. To learn more about each method:

The Standard Option

The Do-It-Yourself Option

The Mentored Option

To register for this project, or to get more information, email (home office: STARBUCK@LS.NET)

If you would like to read examples of typical results from this project, here are some published accounts. Note that those choosing the Do-It-Yourself method would not have comparable experiences as in these stories, since the people writing these stories used the structured research protocol, involving four weeks of dream work:

To register for this project, or to get more information, email (home office: STARBUCK@LS.NET)

Site Map Atlantic University The Association for Research and Enlightenment Edgar Cayce The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies

Web Design by HENRY REED and MARIO HADAM. All Rights Reserved. November 25 2004