involvement. All of this information should help the
investigator make correlations between the dreamer and
the dreams, and the dream interpretations provided by
the readings.
aid in studying trends and cycles of dreams and to
provide a concise overview of dream content, a synopsis
is provided for the dreams of each individual. In this
synopsis, each dream is described in a few words and is
accompanied by a brief summation of the interpretation
given in the reading by Edgar Cayce. This feature is
especially valuable in several of the case studies which
comprise many dreams presented over several years. In
these instances, the synopsis gives an opportunity for
examination of the dreams paralleling the dreamer's life.
For example, there is a case study of a young woman
who had 82 dream readings, beginning at the time of her
honeymoon and continuing through the adjustments of
early marriage, attempts at pregnancy, a miscarriage,
her mother's death, childbirth, and later marital stress.
the most valuable aid to research provided is
the Research Reference Index. This index provides
access to most of the topics covered in the dream
readings, and thus allows the researcher quickly to
assemble the pertinent material for study. For example,
under such headings as "Dreams, defined" or "Dreams,
as experiences," will be found references to those
paragraphs in the various dream readings that contain
general statements about the nature of dreaming. The
material referred to in the listings under the heading
"Mind" traces activities of the conscious, subconscious
and superconscious mind during the dream state. The
heading "Business Advice" gives a listing of those
dreams had by businessmen which were interpreted as
giving information concerning stocks, investment
sources, partnerships, etc. "Physical information in
dreams" lists those dreams which were interpreted as
giving specific information on matters of diet and health,
and is itemized according to the specific physical topics
concerned. Various emotions reflected in dreams have
been categorized under the specific type of feeling