involved, providing a basis for comparison of the
different dream manifestations of each emotion.
Telepathy, precognition, premonition and other forms of
ESP in dreams are also catalogued, as well as dreams
involving the deceased. Dreams that were interpreted as
involving a spiritual influence have also been indexed, as
well as dreams that were interpreted as involving
experiences of past lives. The index thus provides the
means to develop hypotheses and theories of various
types of dream activity as suggested by the readings.
the Research Reference Index it is also possible
to develop testable applications of dream interpretation.
For example, the category "Death in a dream" focuses
those dreams in which the dreamer saw either himself or
another as dead or dying. With the interpretations
given, and the supplemental background information, a
researcher may compare dreams showing true physical
death with those in which the death was a figurative
representation. Combining the background information
provided on each dreamer with the material listed under
the heading "Relationship with dream figure" the
researcher may compare dreams in which the dream
figure is interpreted as a representation of some aspect
of the dreamer himself with those dreams in which the
dream figure is interpreted as actually pertaining to the
person figuring in the dream. Finally, there is a special
listing of all symbols that were discussed in the
interpretations. A perspective on how dream symbolism
is viewed from the psychic state can be obtained from
the use of this listing, giving the researcher a special
framework for approaching dream symbolism.
is hoped that these resource volumes are sufficiently
complete and well indexed to encourage investigations
into the dream readings and to make research possible
on a wide variety of topics.