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brief essay or free-form poem about yourself. Construct
this essay or poem from what you wrote in Steps 4 and 5.
Now is the time for reflection and judgment. Reread the
material you wrote earlier and mark the ideas that seem
particularly meaningful or significant. Work with this
material, changing it, adding to it and rearranging it;
gradually mold it into a unified whole that expresses the
theme of the dream title you have chosen. In other
words, take the title of the dream and accept it as the
title of an essay or poem that you will write about
yourself. The raw materials for this essay or poem are
contained in what you have written about yourself using
the key words from your dream. All you need to do is to
edit your material, rearrange it, and form it into a
coherent expression of the theme of your dream.

      8. The result will be a personal statement envisioning
your life in terms of the images and story of your dream.
Reread your dream, noting that even deeper insight may
be necessary for you to realize an adequate conscious
expression of the dream's vision.

      Editor's note: Below is a poem which was written
during the Dream Realization meditation.

Water Encroaches
Rachel Shane

Shelves of books cover every wall
Leather, paper and dust.
Securely locked up and locked in.
Another room, a bed, a comforter.
Oh, let's lie down together
Let's be close and warm heart to heart
And then the water came
Seeping through, seeping under.
Filling up streets, creating canals.
The ocean came to town and
Became the town.
And with it came the monsters.
Gray and thick skinned.
Covered with blubber
Causing panic.
And all they wanted was to be.


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