them out,
but there is no need here to include details
simply for their own sake.
Read over the dream, and as you do, notice which
words grab your attention. What words elicit a special
response, touch on a sensitive nerve, or seem important?
Underline about four to eight of these key words.
Take each word in turn and allow it to develop into a
truthful statement about yourself. That is, for each
word, compose and write sentences about yoursef using
that word. This will get you behind your dream, looking
through it out into your life. To get started, it may be
helpful to pause for a moment and tune in to your
breathing, until you can trust in inspiration. Let the key
word freely spark phrases and sentences about yourself
and how you are living and experiencing your life.
Permit yourself to be playful, even though your purpose
is serious. Be permissive with your pencil. Suspend
judgment while you write. If a word doesn't begin to
evoke statements about yourself, experiment with
plays-on-words, associations and rhymes, until signifi-
cant ideas about yourself are expressed. If you feel you
are really stuck on a particular word, change it or leave it
behind, and go on to the next word. But try to persist
until you have written several meaningful sentences
about yourself for each of the words you have
underlined. If other thoughts and sentences come to you
in the process, write them down too. (Note: If as a key
word you have chosen a person's name, try sentences
like, "If I were Mary I . . . "; "Mary is that
part of me
which . . . "; and so on.)
Read over what you have written and make some
additional notes about the themes and concerns that
seem to be coming through. What seems to be on your
Reread your dream and compose several different
titles for it. To title your dream, focus on the essence of
its story. Think of a phrase that captures the central
theme of the dream. Write down several different titles
until you arrive at one that you really like.
Take this chosen title and use it as a theme for a