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name because it aptly expresses the fruitfulness of
inspirational writing. The teacher gives some good
advice: Simply be quiet and let the intelligence flow.

      Learn from this dream. Approach the meditation not
as a test or a challenge to your skill, but rather as a
game. Pretend that the meditation is not serious, and be
playful, experimental. But also approach it quietly,
remaining open to inspiration. Most of all, allow yourself
to be surprised.


The Meditation

     1. Select a dream. The meditation works best with
your ordinary, everyday type of dream, but falls short
with those very special, highly symbolic dreams. A good
bet is your most recent dream.

      2. It's helpful to rewrite the dream in the present
tense, as if the dream were happening right now. As you
write, re-experience the feeling of the dream. It's also
helpful to be quick and brief. A long dream may be
effectively condensed. If details seem important write


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