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do not actually experience the "ear" feeling
               of hearing the sounds as you recollect the
               dream, score the dream "1." If your memory
               for the dream is so vivid that you can
               experience the "ear feeling" of the sounds as
               you recollect the dream, score the dream
Voices (Vo): This dimension is related to the Sounds
               category, but here we are specifically
               interested in the experience of the human
               voice — talking, shouting, singing. If there
               are no human or human-like voices in your
               dream, score it "0." If there are voices in the
               dream but you cannot experience the "ear
               feeling'' of their sounds, score the dream
               "1." Scoring the "1" for voices is very
               common, as most conversations in dreams
               lack this sound-of-voice experience. If
               when you recall the dream you can still
               experience the sound of the voice, score the
               dream "2." This score would be used for
Taste &
Smell (TS): If neither taste nor smell appear in the
               dream, score the dream "0." If taste or smell
               do appear, but you cannot actually exper-
               ience the sensation as you recollect the
               dream, score "1." If your memory of the
               dream is so vivid that you can still
               experience the sensation of the taste or the
               smell as you recollect the dream, score the
               dream "2."
Sensations (Ps): Palpable sensations refer to a wide
               variety of touch and body sensations: the
               texture of food in the mouth, a pin prick,
               being hit, pressure on the body, headache,
               physical pain, sexual stimulation, vertigo,
               and "kinesthetic" sensations associated with
               loss of balance, amusement park rides,
               falling, spinning, etc. Again, if none of these


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