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appear in the dream, score "0." If a
               palpable sensation appears in the dream ("I
               was knocked on the head by a ball.") but
               you cannot now experience that sensation as
               you recall the dream, score "1." If you can
               still experience the sensation as you recall
               the dream, score "2." Palpable sensations
               are often critical in understanding certain
               dream images, and re-experiencing these
               sensations is the first step in being able to
               re-express their meaning consciously.
Reminder: Each separate dream is scored on each of
these eight vividness categories.

Questions and Answers

      Question: What if I have a dream in which two
separate positive emotions occur, one which I can still
experience as I recall the dream, and one which is only a
vague idea? Do I score the dream twice, with a "2" and
"1" for E+?

      Answer: Score the dream only once. Since in the
dream there was a positive emotion which you can still
experience as you recall the dream, score "2" on the E +

      Question: What if you can't decide whether the
emotion in the dream was positive or negative?

      Answer: Emotions move us, or arouse us for action.
Look at the context of the dream. What is the effect of
the emotion? Is it a feeling which you would like to
terminate? If so, treat it as a negative emotion. If the
emotion follows as a consequence of something you did,
would that emotion tend to make you do that something
less frequently in the future? If so, treat the emotion as
negative. If the emotion is mainly alerting, is it alerting
you to something you'll have to cope with, or to
something you'll look forward to and enjoy? If the
former, treat the emotion as negative. Sometimes the
emotion has a dual aspect, and it should be scored as both
positive and negative: "The danger frightened me and
made me cautious, but it also provided the thrill of


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