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               answer all sorts of questions about the
               scene, as if the dreamer had before him a
               picture of the dream for review. If only
               selected visual images are associated with
               the memory for the dream, and the dreamer
               cannot scan the memory image to pick out
               additional detail, then the visual category
               should be rated "1."
  Color (C): See previous discussion of color recall.

Emotion (E+): If you do not recall feeling any positive,
               pleasing or supportive emotion score the
               dream "0." If you recall from the content of
               the dream that you felt such positive
               emotion, but you cannot now actually expe-
               rience that emotion as you recollect the
               dream, score "1." If when you recollect the
               dream you can still experience the feeling of
               the positive emotion, score "2." If you
               awaken from the dream in an especially
               good mood, it is very likely that you can
               trace this feeling to something experienced
               in the dream, for which you can score the
               dream "2."

Emotion (E-): The same scoring system applies, except
               in this category we are dealing with
               negative, upsetting and frightening
               emotions, and other feelings that are
               unpleasant to experience.

Sounds (So): A variety of sounds and noises sometimes
               occur in dreams, often related to a particular
               activity in focus, sometimes as background:
               the crack of a bat in a baseball game, the
               cheers of the crowd, sounds of nature,
               music, the breaking of glass. If sound does
               not figure in the dream as it is recalled,
               score the dream "0." If you recall hearing
               sounds in the dream, either as background
               or accompanying a particular action, but you


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