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        process being symbolized in the dream. The defini-
        tion of partial recall is that enough of the dream is
        recalled not only to provide some knowledge of
        a theme of the dream but also to indicate, by
        including some form of transition, the flow of the
        narrative. This transition may be minor, as in the
        example given, or may be a complete shift of scene
        or circumstance. A dream recalled qualifies for the
        partial rating as long as more of the dream is
        forgotten than is recalled. The subjective impress-
        ion that what is recalled represents only a part of
        the dream, and that what is forgotten represents
        the majority of the dream, is the basic subjective
        clue for giving the partial rating. "I forgot most of
        the dream, but what I do remember is ..." is a
        typical statement by a dreamer having partial
Majority (M): "I was running away from a gangster. He
        was chasing me with a big gun. As I ran, I tripped
        on a log and fell down. I tried to get up but I couldn't
        move, and I was helpless and afraid. The gangster
        came and stood over me, and was about to shoot
        when I woke up. There was more to the dream, but
        I forgot. I may have stumbled onto the gangster's
        criminal activities which caused him to chase me."
        The definition of majority recall is that at least the
        majority of the dream is recalled, but there is
        enough forgotten to arouse some frustration,
        because of the feeling that knowledge of the dream
        could be significantly improved were the missing
        portions recalled. The dividing line between partial
        and majority recall concerns the balance between
        the subjective satisfaction with how much was re-
        called and the frustration with what was forgotten.
        When the frustration equals or outweighs the
        satisfaction, score the recall partial. When the
        frustration is relatively minor, score the recall

Whole (W): "I forget how the dream actually begins, but
        as I recall, I saw someone hiding away some


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