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        money, and I knew he was a gangster who was
        preparing to cheat on his taxes. He saw me
        watching, and began to chase me with a gun. It
        seems that we ran for a long time, and at one point
        we were running through the woods, where I
        tripped on a log and fell down. The gangster came
        over to me; I was paralyzed and couldn't move.
        Just as he was about to shoot, I woke up." The
        definition of whole recall is that the dreamer feels
        satisfied that the recall of the dream is fairly
        complete; there may be some uncertainty concern-
        ing how the dream actually began, and various
        details may be missing, but the memory of the
        dream has not frustrating gaps suggesting that
        knowledge of the dream could be significantly
      A review of the seven categories should be helpful.
Zero (0) is the easiest; it reflects no knowledge of even
dreaming. The remaining six categories represent
significant steps toward improvement of dream recall.
Each category has an "at least" aspect to its definition
and a "but not more than" aspect. At first, the categories
may seem arbitrarily defined; however, as you begin to
use the scale, you will find that the descriptions "fit" the
various experiences of evaluating dream recall. The
Awareness (A) category means at least an awareness
that dreaming was going on, but without any recall of the
dream content. The Indefinite (I) category means recall
of at least some dream content, but no knowledge of
what the dream was about. The Fragmentary (F)
category means recall of at least enough content to
provide knowledge of the theme of the dream, but with
no flow in the recalled narrative to indicate the chain of
events. The Partial (P) category entails enough recall to
provide a flow in the narrative, but most of the dream
has been forgotten. The Majority (M) category means
that the majority of the dream has been recalled, but
there remain frustrating gaps in the memory, indicating
that knowledge of the dream could be significantly
improved. The Whole (W) category means that recall is


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