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participants' experience and perception of the project.
Since some of the dreams relate to our present venture
with this Community Dream Journal, I'll share a few,
along with some brief comments concerning the process
of community dream reflection.

      A number of the dreams referred to me and some of
them were startling in their apparent extrasensory
intelligence. One participant sent in some dreams, dating
back eight years to when I was still a graduate student
not yet interested in dream research. These dreams gave
significant details of my personal life and important
psychological aspects of my eventual involvement in
dream research, including the design of the present
project. Other people sent dreams which, unknown to
them, contained explicit references to intimacies of my
life, both actual and fantasied. There is one dream I'll
share because of its significance for the kind of
interaction in dreams that may be possible. The dreamer
was a woman who unfortunately was forced by
circumstances to discontinue her formal participation in
the project. She knew nothing of me or my research on
incubating healing dreams using a "dream tent," (6) but
her dream is an exact photographic portrayal of my
work, and perhaps more than a symbolic compensation
for her having to discontinue the written project:

  ... I see a tent out in front of my house. A tall thin
young man dressed in a white undershirt and light tan
pants walks into the tent. I want to see into the ten, and
decide to wait until night when he will have a light on. At
night, the whole tent stands out, lit by a single light
inside. It shines through the canvas, changing it to a solid
warm cozy glow of a tent. I sense that this is a refuge in
the dark ...

     There were several dreams about the people that were
interesting in suggesting how dreams symbolize them-
selves and the attempt to research them:


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