of dialogue, set within the context of a commitment to
venture into the writing experience that seemed the
most important factor in fostering the possibility of
creative self-discovery. A specially adapted journal
meditation appears in this issue of the Journal for your
own experimentation.
about the initial questions concerning dream
interpretation? Self-realization through dreams was
found by most people to be an important component of
their desire for dream interpretation. However, many
people, especially experienced dreamers, felt something
was missing in the meditations concerning dream
symbolism itself. Inspirational writing from the point of
view of a dream symbol, for example, had limitations in
revealing some important dimensions to the meaning of
the symbol. Several dreamers demonstrated the
significance of knowing the "universal" meaning of
dream symbols, and were quite convincing in showing
that without such a perspective, the interpretations
would be far from comprehensive. Other dreamers found
that the exclusive focus on one's own concern was a
frustrating limitation to the full employment of their
dreams. There seemed to be a definite need to establish
guidelines for treating dreams on other than a
self-oriented basis, and for developing legitimate
interpretive approaches for such other-directed
ability to work alone at dream interpretation
was encouraging. There were only a few examples of
trivial, self-serving, self-image perpetuating, or self-
destructive dream work. Most people, in fact, showed
evidence in their reports of struggling to free themselves
of preconceived notions. And, although the second
journal meditation plunged many people into crises of
self-doubt, the third meditation compensated and
restored them to even greater self-confidence. Seeing
how earnest people were in their self-explorations, I was
pleased to discover that they were also quite resilient.
the most intriguing aspect of the project was
the collection of resulting dreams concerning the