A preliminary analysis of the
overall results suggests
that the principle objectives of the project were realized.
Participants generally reported improved dream recall,
and that the dream recall tally sheet, which has been
re-printed in this issue for your personal use, was in
itself a helpful tool for developing the ability to
remember dreams. The data from these tally sheets
indicate that this improvement was especially prominent
with regard to the vividness of the recalled dream
imagery. Data from the questionnaire, "Memory for
Dreams and Your Ideal," indicate a reduction in the
perceived discrepancy between ideal and actual memory
for dreams, and also an improvement in perceived
self-control of dream recall. This improvement was also
reflected by the changes in ratings on the questionnaire,
"Identifying Factors Influencing Dream Recall," which
showed an increase in the influence of factors reflecting
intentional dream recall, relative to factors of a more
circumstantial influence on dream recall.
the statistical results were only one aspect of the
project. Of perhaps more lasting significance was the
tremendous personal effect experienced by individual
participants. People encountered many worthwhile,
often inspiring, and sometimes life-changing dream/life
events in the course of their participation. Many
feedback reports indicated how intensively people
brought the dream meditations into relationship with
their real life concerns. Often people were in the middle
of crises or transitions and the dream project played a
strong role in resolving these situations. There were
stories of family struggles, surgery, death and career
changes to name but a few of the dramas included in the
dream meditations. There were also several heartening
stories of people regaining confidence in their writing,
and being stimulated to resume such creative work.
was almost unanimous positive regard for the
general experience of entering into a problem solving
relationship with the dreams. The meditations for
inspirational writing were found to be an effective means
of developing rapport with dreams. It was this dimension