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written petition to the dreams that they might comment
on the venture and suggest where to go next.

      We tried to create a series of meditations that would
be both specific and goal-directed, yet general enough so
as not to force everyone and their dreams into the same
stereotyped mold. It was uncertain whether or not the
participants in the project could resonate to the
meditations and be able to embark onto a creative
venture of their own, persisting until they had arrived at
the object of their quest.

      The morning after the fourth meditation was the final
day of the project. Participants then completed the
second set of questionnaires, which were identical to
those that had been filled out prior to starting the
project. They then prepared a "Feedback Report,"
concerning the experience and observed effects of the
project. The questionnaires, feedback report, and dream
recall tally sheets were mailed back to A.R.E., thus
completing the requirements of the project.

The Fountain of Results

     To say the results of the project were overwhelming
would be an understatement. As in the dream of the
research dance, the project created a fountain of sparks;
yet the most we could do was to get some shadowy
snapshots of the events for analysis. What follows is an
outline of some of these results; additional findings will
be presented in more detail in future articles.

      The return on the project was quite good. Of the 500
people admitted to the project, 65% actually started it,
and of those who started it, 90% finished. It was also
clear, upon examining the questionnaires and data
forms, that participants had exercised great care in
doing them.

      We are now faced with the gigantic task of tabulating
and key-punching over 300,000 bits of data. Gradually,
however, the statistical results of the project will
emerge from the computer analysis, and those that seem
interesting and helpful will be reported.


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