to an unknown doctor. Imagine my surprise when this
second doctor turned out to be just the man who had
come running into my dream. As it turned out, surgery
was not necessary.
Harris, Stockport, Ohio
following testimony of a healing experience,
prepared at our special request, contains a remarkable
story of transformation. The complete story of this
experience is quite long, and so we worked to give only
the most important aspects that related to dreams. In
our conversations about this article, Mrs. Fields wanted
to be sure that readers would understand that she
believes the dream itself didn't heal her, but rather
it was through her dreams that she was able to witness
and participate in the healing. There was also a concern
that it might appear that she is singling herself out as
being special, but the real purpose of this kind of sharing
is to inspire others to allow for such possibilities within
themselves and to encourage people who have had
similar experiences in their dreams to step forward and
present their testimonies. It is in the spirit of the
Oneness we share in healing that this testimony is
Virginia Fields
El Paso, Texas
knew I was dying. For days I had suffered intensely
from blurred vision, bodily swelling and exploding pains
in my heart and head. Finally I prayed for death and
release from my torment. My mind wandered over the
events that led to my present situation.
early childhood I had suffered from severe
asthma and many chronic infections and allergies,
including my body's reaction to almost every medication
given to me. Among the ailments that plagued me as I
grew older were gout, hypoglycemia, pernicious anemia,