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WNOR began to have bonus calls. It was possible to win
$1000 by saying, "Ask me about WNOR," on a bonus call.
Again I dreamed that we won the money. Sometimes I
dreamed that we almost messed up and blew it. Then one
night I had a very vivid dream about it. As a result, I told
Mom to be sure to answer the phone correctly. The next
day, around 10:00, she was talking on the phone to a
friend. A few seconds after she hung up, the phone rang.
Mom was going to say, "Hello," thinking it was her friend
calling back. She must have remembered what I told her,
because she answered, "Ask me about WNOR." It
turned out to be WNOR making a bonus call. We were
the first ones to win a bonus call, and we won $1000, just
like our dreams told us we would.

                Judy Peters on, Virginia Beach, Virginia










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