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Dear Journal:

      In our group meditations, we frequently have
impressions of a Maypole, and I think this may be related
to the "Sundance" theme. It seems to be such a natural
occurrence for us. At times, more than one of us will
have the same experience; sometimes the symbolism
varies somewhat according to our individual frames of
reference. The Maypole, Tree of Life, Living Waters, or
whatever we choose to call it has been a common form of
symbolism in our group meditations. We have seen the
Maypole with streamers (ribbons) in different colors
leading to each member of the group. The colors seem to
indicate what is occurring within an individual. Or we
may see the Maypole with streams of light touching each
member. At times, the Maypole will not be there, but
instead light will be seen encircling each member, joining
us in a larger circle of light. At other times there may be
a fountain of water, overflowing and shimmering like
hundreds of sparkling diamonds. These droplets then
touch each of us in the group. These experiences seem to
indicate a unification of consciousness, all members
seeking and sharing the same Ideal.

                        Norma Cole, Miami, Florida

Dear Journal:
day, three years ago, we received a prank phone
call. The boy who called us said that we had just missed
the chance to win $100 because we didn't say, "Ask me
about WNOR," when we answered the phone. Of course,
we were disappointed; but we learned that it was just a
prank call. That night, however, I dreamed that there
was such a contest and that we did win. The next day we
listened to WNOR. It was true; there really was a
contest to win $100. All we had to do was to send in our
name and phone number. That night I dreamed that we
won not $100, but $1000. Well, that couldn't be right, I
thought. They weren't even offering $1000. A couple of
nights later, Jill (my sister) also had a dream that we
won, and so did Liz (my other sister). Every so often we
would dream that we won. After three weeks or so,


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