The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies
Site Map Atlantic University The Association for Research and Enlightenment Edgar Cayce The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies
An Education Outreach Program Hosted by ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY                    


Stephan A Schwartz

Stephan A Schwartz

My life has been spent exploring extraordinary human functioning, and how individuals and small groups can, and have, effected social change. I’ve done this both as an experimentalist in parapsychology, and by being privileged to have been a part of several major social transformations: civil rights in the 1960s, the transformation of the military from an elitist conscription organization to an all-voluntary meritocracy in the 70s, and citizen diplomacy between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 80s and 90s. Both the experiences and the research have convinced me that all life is inter-connected and interdependent; which you’ll see reflected in the site’s several sections: my books, and research papers on Remote Viewing and Archaeology, Anthropology, Medicine and Healing, Creativity, and Social Policy; magazine articles and interviews; biographical material; and, experiential CDs, videos, and DVDs. You can read much of this material online, and download what you find of particular interest.

I invite you to also take a look at my daily news service: Schwartzreport 

Please check out my new set of DVDs, the "Gold Standard" in terms of training in remote viewing, based upon a conference co-sponsored by the International Remote Viewing Association, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, and the Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies. Click here for more info!

Site Map Atlantic University The Association for Research and Enlightenment Edgar Cayce The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies

Web Design by HENRY REED and MARIO HADAM. All Rights Reserved. September 11 2004