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A complete course on the science, the history, the art, and the secrets of remote viewing from the masters of the craft

You get a total of 15 discs -- 10 DVDS and 5 CDs. The course is presented by the Masters of the craft: Hal Puthoff, Russell Targ, Ingo Swann, Stephan A. Schwartz, James Spottiswoode, Paul Smith, Skip Atwater, Dale Graff, Henry Reed, and Edgar Evans Cayce. All presented in broadcast quality digital video
accompanied by rarely seen Remote Viewing images that mark the developments in the field. The course features the scientists, viewers, and military intelligence officers who created the field of Remote Viewing. There is nothing else like it available on the market today.

The Gold Standard Course comes with 15 discs in three sturdy multi-disc volumes.

Ten discs are broadcast quality DVDs which comprise 11 hours of intellectual instruction, accompanied by rare little seen examples of some of the most famous moments in Remote Viewing history. [This part of the course can be purchased separately in the DVD section as Remote Viewing Through Time and Space, where the discs are described in detail.]

Four discs are stereo CDs -- designed to be used over and over -- which take you through experiential sessions exactly as if you had come in to a Remote Viewing laboratory. [This part of the course can be purchased separately in the CD section as Travels Through Time and Space, where the discs are described in detail.]

A fifth CD contains all the forms necessary to conduct and record your sessions, as well as judge and analzye them.

Under normal pricing the DVDs alone would be $149.95. The CDs purchased separately would be $109.80, The bonus CD would be $10.95 This would total of $270.70. For a limited time Nemoseen is offering all 10 disks (5 DVDs, 5 CDs) at $219.95. A savings of $50.75.

Here's what people who have used it have to say:

Remote Viewing: The Gold Standard Course (DVDs & CDs)
Customer Reviews

I have read about and followed for many years thoughtful and rigorous study on psychic phenomena and consciousness. This program is the BEST that has ever
been created. Nothing comes close. The value, dollar for dollar, has no equal. Anyone interested in this subject MUST see this.

The program will take you through the experiments just as if you were there live. Everything you need to experience it first hand is here - all the instruction, experiments and forms. It is exactly what you would experience if you were right in the remote viewing laboratory.

And the people conducting the experiments and instructions are simply the BEST IN THE WORLD. Forget going to college or lectures: this is
the equivalent of a degree in remote viewing. And by the way, the quality of the production is sheer excellence. I felt like I was watching a network broadcast.
- Porter Briggs, President, A Briggs & Co.

Stephan Schwartz has created an amazing opportunity for everyone to learn the intuitive skill of remote viewing. You don't have to be a psychic or "gifted' to apply this invaluble skill to contemporary life. Stephan is a master teacher, and you will learn an emormous amount from this historic DVD program which will be for this generation and generations to come. Don't miss this opportunity. Highly recommended.
- Judith Orloff, Author of Second Sight
Dr. Orloff's Guide to Intuitive Healing

The videos are just right. Lots of the "little" items thrown in by these "real deal" speakers are of great significance! Liked the audio instruction disks
as well--great comprehensive stuff.
- Henry Raymond, Author of The Third Kind of Midnight

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