

Intuitive Heart Banner

Henry Reed's Phone Mentoring Program
For those who want to become an instructor of
The Intuitive Heart™ Discovery Group Process

To become a certified instructor Henry will take you through a phone mentoring program personally guiding you through each session - BEFORE and AFTER the session to see how it went, answer any questions you might have, then it's on to the next session.

To learn more about mentoring, click here!

To begin your certification program . . .

  • Order an Intuitive Heart Mentorship
  • Review the materials you will receive
  • Find five students to attend your six group sessions
  • Set a date to begin
  • Contact Henry to schedule your Phone Mentoring sessions
  • And then experience the results

The mentoring fee is $795. (This fee includes all needed materials in electronic form.) If you choose you may charge your students a fee to help pay for your mentoring. When you are ready to begin mentoring send your check for $795 to:

Henry Reed
3777 Fox Creek Road
Mouth of Wilson, VA 24363

Make checks payable to Henry Reed.

To use your credit card, click here!

Upon receipt of your payment Henry will contact you to schedule your mentoring sessions.


If you would like more information about the Intuitive Heart™ instructor training program feel free to contact Henry personally. 

To learn more about mentoring, click here!

Phone: (800) 398-1370 or

E-Mail: starbuck@ls.net

Check, money order, or use toll free phone order for Master Card or VISA accepted.