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      The air becomes charged and the ground is brilliantly
lit. The top of my head begins to prickle and be warmed
by the Light. Then I awaken.

     The message in the dream seems to be two-fold: The
concept of surrender becomes the key to inner
illumination and creative expression in the world. The
following excerpt from the Edgar Cayce readings
reiterates this message:

     "Though chosen to be a channel, thou of
thyself may do nothing. The Spirit of the Christ
working in and through thee will bring the
fruits of the Spirit in the experience of those
thou would lead to the Light." (E.C. reading

     I have found it difficult to surrender to something
which seems to be overwhelming and totally "other." Yet
I have discovered that by affirming a spiritual ideal I
have been able to choose a "mediator" between myself
and this overwhelming experience—a mediator who
does not lessen the experience but who lends human and
tangible qualities to it. As I have invoked this mediator
in my waking prayer and meditation, He has become the
strength through which I have been able to surrender to
a powerful and transforming inner experience.

     I am with... [close friend] and we are both aware that
we are dreaming. We begin flying crisscross patterns
through a large new auditorium as if we are preparing it,
and consecrating it. We actually interpenetrate each
other as we simultaneously pass through the center of
the room.

      At one point I see him standing in a doorway at the
back of the auditorium, talking to someone standing
behind the door. I know that it is Jesus! Anxiously, I
walk through the door and look toward Him. At first I
am only able to see a bright white light. But then the
light abruptly changes into the clear form of the
Master ...


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