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is at the heart of the Sundance tradition, and which may
be an archetypal idea for spiritual community. (To learn
more about the symbolism and mythology associated
with the tradition of America, contact AUM Esoteric
Study Center, 2405 Ruscombe Lane, Baltimore,
Maryland 21209.)

      Dream America is an experiment that asks: Is it
possible that during this Bicentennial Era there is
spontaneously arising within the collective unconscious
of our people a search for renewed dreams for America?
Whether individual citizens purposefully quest for
dreams that will guide them to self-realization through a
more creative participation in the American experience,
or whether such dreams occur spontaneously as a
response to the national dilemmas that touch us all, the
seed hypothesis of Dream America is that creative
dreams for the renewal of America are being born. If we
can become aware of this process, perhaps we can
nurture it and foster its growth into some visible and
practical consequence.

      Here are some of the dreams that have been reported.
Most portray a sense of a possible awakening. There is so
far only a dim suggestion in these dreams concerning
what might actually be done to apply such a renewal of
spirit to the concrete problems we face. You can
participate in this experiment by being alert for dreams
which present inspiring images or reconciling symbols
for meeting the challenge of a New Age in America.


     I'm in a large area like a college campus; it is very
early in the morning— dawn. It's the beginning of Holy
Week. A large crowd of people are waiting with sleeping
bags to go on an expedition. I learn that the people are
going to Washington, D.C., and that plans are being
made for a tea party to be given in their honor and for a
visit with some important government body.
Modesto, California, spring, 1975)


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