Question: Is there any validity
to the notion that as
you become better adjusted psychologically, the need to
dream decreases? Is it true that some spiritually
advanced persons don't dream at all?
What can you do to cope with too many
dreams? Is there a way to select just a few dreams to
work with?
What can you do if you find you are too busy
to work with your dreams? Is there anything useful
persons can do with their dreams if they don't have the
time to write them down in the morning, to keep a dream
journal, or to go to a dream group?
Are there any substances that one might
take to enhance dreaming or dream recall? (Some of the
substances mentioned have included Atomidine,
Vitamin B12, and Sodium Alginate.)
What is the effect of the sleeping
environment upon dreams? Might there be some
advantage of sleeping in a pyramid to obtain a special
dream? Is it true that sleeping in a north-south
orientation is beneficial? Does sleeping on your left side
encourage a different kind of dreaming than sleeping on
your right side?
Is it okay to try to manipulate or control
your dreams? Is there any difference between praying
for a dream of guidance and trying to influence your
dreams to deal with a particular topic?
Can you trust your dreams? Are dreams
always an accurate and valid portrayal of our condition.
provided we interpret them correctly? Or is it possible
that some dreams are false, if not actually deceitful? Are
dreams subject to alteration or distortion by conscious
desires or assumptions?