The purpose of this
course is to help you develop a better connection with intuition.
Your relationship
with intuition will improve as you:
understand more
about the subject
learn to recognize
your intuition when it is functioning
learn to recognize
opportunities to use your intuition
improve your intuition
learn about to apply
intution for purposes of guidance

At the end of this
course, you should be able to:
describe what intuition
is, giving examples from your own experience
explain the relationship
between intuition, psychic ability, and creativity
describe the various
ways in which intuition can appear
use the various
modalities for experiencing intuition: dreams, imagery, feelings,
apply intuition
to answer a question
use intuition for
guidance in a real life situation
understand how intuition
relates to your overall spiritual development
explain how intuition
relates to spiritual concepts such as higher self, soul, etc.
experience an intuitive
connection with spiritual aspects of yourself
