The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies
Site Map Atlantic University The Association for Research and Enlightenment Edgar Cayce The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies
An Education Outreach Program Hosted by ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY                    

Course Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of this course is to help you develop a better connection with intuition.

Your relationship with intuition will improve as you:

  • understand more about the subject

  • learn to recognize your intuition when it is functioning

  • learn to recognize opportunities to use your intuition

  • improve your intuition skills

  • learn about to apply intution for purposes of guidance

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At the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • describe what intuition is, giving examples from your own experience

  • explain the relationship between intuition, psychic ability, and creativity

  • describe the various ways in which intuition can appear

  • use the various modalities for experiencing intuition: dreams, imagery, feelings, synchronicity

  • apply intuition to answer a question

  • use intuition for guidance in a real life situation

  • understand how intuition relates to your overall spiritual development

  • explain how intuition relates to spiritual concepts such as higher self, soul, etc.

  • experience an intuitive connection with spiritual aspects of yourself

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Site Map Atlantic University The Association for Research and Enlightenment Edgar Cayce The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies

Web Design by HENRY REED and MARIO HADAM. All Rights Reserved. September 11 2004