The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies
Site Map Atlantic University The Association for Research and Enlightenment Edgar Cayce The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies
An Education Outreach Program Hosted by ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY                    

Levels of Learning

There are three types of learning opportunities in this course:

  • Theory, where you will learn about the ideas, concepts, issues and variables relating to intuition.

  • Skill building, where you will learn about factors affecting intuition and practice exercises designed to enhance your skill level or improve those parameters that affect intuitive functioning.

  • Application, where you will learn about using intuition for guidance and exploration and will engage in experiments and adventures in practical applications of intuition.

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The course has three levels of study, reflecting the degree of accomplishment you achieve:

  • Introductory, that provides a brief overview of the basics of intuition, in terms of theory, skill and application.

  • Intermediate, that takes you into more depth, requiring more work, dedication, growth and application.

  • Advanced, that points to areas for further development and prepares you for your own personal research into refinements and applications of intuition.


Site Map Atlantic University The Association for Research and Enlightenment Edgar Cayce The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies

Web Design by HENRY REED and MARIO HADAM. All Rights Reserved. September 11 2004