Report on the 1983
Psychical Research Conferences
Mark Thurston, Ph.D. & Henry Reed, Ph.D., Atlantic
On a number of occasions the Edgar Cayce
readings stressed that the Association for Research and
Enlightenment, Inc., was to be primarily a research
organization. In the very wording of the organization’s
name is the implication that education and enlightenment are
the result of research. In the early years of the A.R.E. the
source of the readings occasionally chastised the leaders
for their failure to place enough emphasis on research
functions. They were warned that it was like putting the
cart before the horse to present concepts for enlightenment
without first having tested them in a research setting.
Of course, research does not always mean
carefully controlled laboratory testing. As important as
that type of research may be, much can also be gained from
personal application of specific concepts. For this reason
we might think of the Search for God Study Group Program as
a level of experimentation with principles from the
readings; and we also might view as research the anecdotal
reports of members who have tested particular health or
consciousness concepts in their own lives.
Perhaps no single type of research has
been more controversial for the A.R.E. than working with
psychically sensitive individuals. On the one hand, the
organization itself would not exist were it not for the
psychic gift of Edgar Cayce. On the other, the organization
has maintained a policy for many years of not recommending
any specific psychic. The feeling has been, and continues to
be, that until psychics can be carefully tested and worked
with over a prolonged period of time, it is irresponsible
for the organization to designate one or more individuals as
officially endorsed psychics. However, the lack of any
recommended list is not meant to imply that the Association
is not interested in parapsychological research. The
readings themselves strongly encourage us to be involved in
the testing and training of individuals who show particular
promise as developing psychics. With this in mind, a
psychical research effort was initiated to coincide with the
1983 summer conference season in Virginia Beach.
The results of this psychical research
study should be viewed in a broader context. Research
efforts were initiated in 1973. At that time, the Board of
Trustees approved the formation of a Research Advisory
Committee made up of A.R.E. staff members and volunteer
experts in the field of research. In the May, 1973, issue of
The A.R.E. Journal, a particularly significant
article appeared, entitled "The Philosophy of
Research." That article summarized the basic approach
recommended in the Cayce readings for conducting research,
both research with psychics and that involving any other
topic found in the readings. There were four key points in
that article. First, any research should he designed to test
specific hypotheses or theoretical statements about human
nature. Second, any experimentation should provide a
learning experience for those who participate in the
research. Third, those individuals who are engaged as
subjects in the project should be viewed as co-researchers
with the research staff. And, finally, the best results are
likely to be obtained by testing hypotheses in the context
of real life issues, as opposed to artificially created
circumstances in a laboratory setting.
Although this final point is not intended
to negate the significance and value of carefully controlled
laboratory research, there is the implication in the
readings that certain phenomena might be particularly
elusive in the laboratory and show themselves more readily
in the context of actual life circumstances.
Several experimental research projects
have been conducted in the past 10 years which incorporate
these four research ideals. Many members have participated
in home-study research programs which have focused on
meditation, dreams, ESP, and the common cold. Reports on the
results of these projects have been published both in The
A.R.E. Journal and in outside professional research
The three 1983 Psychical Research
Conferences were designed to test a number of hypotheses.
These efforts focused not only on the applicability and
accuracy of psychic readings given at a distance but also
upon the value of other means of guidance—including
astrology, numerology, incubated dreams, and personal
meditation guidance as well as individual or group
counseling. Several assumptions formed the basis of the
research design.
1) The first assumption was that outer
forms of guidance can best be used as stimulants for one’s
own inner guidance.
2) The second assumption was that a
person who is seeking an answer to a question might benefit
best from the integration of a number of specific types of
guidance, inner and outer. In other words, the answer to one’s
question might be seen as a mosaic in which some of the
pieces are provided by psychic readings, other pieces by
astrology or numerology, and final pieces by inner sources
of guidance such as intuition, dreams or meditation.
3) A final assumption was that in working
with psychic readings it is probably best to receive more
than one reading. It was assumed that for many people there
is an innate tendency to ascribe a particular kind of wisdom
or authority to a psychic reading merely because it purports
to come from some higher or other-dimensional source. By
receiving two or more psychic readings, the seeker has the
benefit of comparative study which may make an objective
evaluation easier (e.g., it forces one to make judgments and
Procedures for Psychical Research
Participants in the 1983 Psychical
Research Conferences were informed of this research effort
via the summer conference catalog. They were required to
travel to Virginia Beach for the week and to pay a tuition
as they would for any other educational conference. However,
in the case of these three psychical research conferences, a
considerable amount of preparatory work was done before the
conferees arrived in Virginia Beach. First, all participants
provided the researchers with a list of four personal
questions to which they were consciously and actively
seeking answers in their own lives. Questions tended to deal
with issues such as finding the soul’s purpose,,
understanding an interpersonal relationship, identifying
latent talents, or dealing with personal weaknesses.
Questions concerning health issues were not permitted for
this particular study. Each participant also provided the
research staff with biographical information concerning time
and place of birth and full name at birth in order to obtain
the astrological and numerological readings. Since some of
the psychics required a photograph in order to complete the
reading, participants also sent a recent snapshot.
Fourteen psychically sensitive
individuals were selected to provide the readings for this
study. These individuals were selected through a screening
process which began with a research questionnaire mailed to
the entire membership a year earlier. Members were asked to
provide the names of psychics from whom they had received
readings which seemed to be of high quality. Any psychic who
was mentioned on three or more questionnaires received a
preliminary invitation letter from the research project
director. This letter invited the psychic to participate in
a pilot study project in which two or more readings were to
be given for individuals designated by the research project
director. From those pilot tests "screening"
readings, 14 of the psychics were picked for the research
conferences. For the purposes of this study, only psychics
who appeared to be skillful in giving readings at a distance
were chosen. This was in no way meant to imply that psychics
who work only with the subject present in the room are in
any way inferior. However, it was felt that for this first
research study the "at-a-distance" approach would
serve most efficiently. It is hoped that, in future studies,
similar kinds of research can be done with psychics who work
in other ways.
The readings were obtained on cassette
tapes some two to three weeks before the beginning of the
research conference. Each conference participant received
two readings. In addition to the psychic readings, an
astrology chart and a numerology chart were ordered in
advance. These charts were produced by a computerized system
in which a lengthy narrative about the individual was typed
out to correspond to the specific astrological or
numerological configuration of that person. There were,
admittedly, drawbacks in working with a computerized system,
especially in the case of the astrology readings. The
computerized software programs for both the astrology and
numerology were based upon the carefully tested and
well-respected systems of thought of respective esoteric
scientists. However, in the case of the astrological
portrait, the lack of a human astrologer to deal
individually with each reading may not have allowed the
astrology to be as well represented in this study as some
would have hoped.
Once the participants arrived in Virginia
Beach, they were led through a carefully designed
educational week created to optimize their experience in
obtaining answers to the four questions they had posed some
six to eight weeks earlier. The conference began with
lectures and workshops on understanding sources of guidance
and in carefully evaluating answers to the four questions
posed. Getting acquainted with a small group of seven other
conferees plus a group leader (with whom considerable
portions of the research week would be spent) was also a
part of the initial conference experience. During the first
afternoon of the conference, each participant completed two
psychological inventories, both of which had a humanistic
orientation. First was a temperament survey based upon the
psychological ideas of Carl Jung. This survey provided a
scale-score measurement of six indicators of human
personality: introversion, extroversion, and the tendency to
rely on thinking, feeling, intuition and sensation in
responding to life events (the world). The other
paper-and-pencil inventory was the Personal Orientation
Inventory based upon the thought of Abraham Maslow. When
scored, this inventory provided measurements of 14 key
indicators of human personality, especially those related to
the process of self-actualization.
Later during that first afternoon,
participants received their computerized astrology charts
and were given evaluation exercises to rate their accuracy.
In a similar fashion, during the second
day of the conference, participants received their
computerized numerology readings as well as cassette tapes
of their two psychic readings. Time was provided for
listening to and studying these readings, and each conferee
completed several scoring tasks to evaluate initial
impressions about the accuracy of the readings. On the third
day conferees received the results of their Jungian
temperament survey and the P.0.1. In addition, the third day
began preparations for an overnight &ream incubation
experiment which focused on one of the conferees’ four
Throughout these first three days, there
were also frequent meetings with the small groups. In these
groups conferees could share insights about the helpfulness
of various sources of guidance, as well as support each
other in the formulation of personal answers to their four
questions. Beginning with the afternoon of the third day,
one-on-one counseling sessions with A.R.E. staff members
began. Each conferee was given a 90-minute session with an
A.R.E. staff member whose background involved training in
professional counseling. These sessions were spaced so that
they fell either on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday for an
individual conferee. Throughout the week participants were
also encouraged to work with meditation, looking for inner
answers to any of their four questions.
The conference week concluded with each
conferee attempting to summarize what answers had been
obtained to any or all of the four questions. In addition,
some summary evaluations of key aspects of the conference
week and the various sources of guidance were provided by
each participant. In the spirit of viewing each conferee as
a co-researcher, the closing afternoon session included a
critique of every aspect of the conference design so that
future research efforts of this type could be more
Analysis of the Data
Each participant was asked to make some
155 evaluations. Many of these items were on a scale of 0 to
10, others were responses to true/false questions. Of the
141 participants, 121 completed a sufficient percentage of
the questions to enable us to use their evaluations in the
data analysis. With this much data having been collected,
there are an overwhelming number of possible comparisons
that could be made. The research staff has tried to select
the most significant of these, particularly ones which have
a bearing upon hypotheses the staff wishes to investigate or
ones which might provide for the A.R.E. membership generally
applicable insights regarding sources of guidance.
One general analysis concerns the
relative helpfulness of the various sources of guidance
incorporated in the research design. At the end of the
conference, the participants were asked to imagine that they
had $100 to distribute among the various sources of guidance
as they had experienced them. They were to assign a dollar
value commensurate with the helpfulness they had experienced
from that source of guidance. Chart No. 1 lists the areas
among which each conferee was to distribute his mock money
and the overall average dollar figure for all 121
participants. Clearly, some of the sources of guidance were
indicated to be more helpful than others. These results,
however, should be interpreted in the context of the
research design being used. For example, as has already been
mentioned, the astrological reading was in the nature of a
computer printout and, although quite lengthy, may have
lacked certain elements found in a more personalized
astrology reading obtained in the traditional fashion. The
same might be true as well, although to a lesser extent,
with the numerology readings.
Chart No. 1
Source Average "Dollars"
A more detailed examination of the
conference participants’ evaluation of the relative
helpfulness of dreams revealed an interesting result.
Although the average rating in this area for all 121
conferees was $6.53, it was found that only 60 of the
conferees actually remembered their dreams and, of these,
only 50 felt they were able adequately to compare their
dream information with their psychic readings. When the
ratings of relative helpfulness of the various sources of
guidance were examined for only these 50 people, 30 rated
the psychic readings higher than their dream guidance.
However.~ the other 20 participants rated their own dream
guidance as good or better than either one or both of their
psychic readings. The results from these 20 participants
reminds us of Cayce’s statement that dream guidance can be
as good as guidance from a psychic. Further research may
indicate the conditions under which this is true.
Another area of analysis concerns the 14
psychics themselves. The psychics gave a differing number of
readings, ranging from a low of 6 readings by one psychic to
a high of 32 readings by another. Based upon the many
evaluations provided by the conferees during the course of
the week, six principal scales of measurement were used.
1) Initial impressions. Only
moments after first listening to a reading, the conferee
answered 15 questions concerning initial impressions about
accuracy and helpfulness. These 15 responses were integrated
into an initial impression score for a given psychic, and an
overall initial impressions average was obtained by adding
all of the respective scores from their subjects and then
dividing by the appropriate number.
2) Evidential statements. Later in
the week each conferee was asked to look at the psychic
reading again with an eye toward elements within the reading
that were clearly verifiable or clearly erroneous. For
example, statements regarding the subject’s profession,
hair color, number of children, etc., could I be statements
that in an unambiguous way could be labeled as accurate or
inaccurate. The conferee was asked to make an evaluation on
a scale of 0 to 10 concerning the preponderance of accurate
evidential statements over inaccurate ones. Of course,
because it is the style of some psychics to include few or
no j statements that can be validated or invalidated quite
so 1 directly, this particular evaluation was difficult in
some instances. With that in mind, a response of "5’,
was equated with "cannot tell" or "just
as many accuracies as inaccuracies."
3) Assigned dollars. As mentioned
above, near the end of the conference week conferees were
asked to distribute their mock $100. The number of dollars
assigned to a particular psychic reading constituted a kind
of numeric representation of accuracy and helpfulness.
4) Final evaluation. At the end of
the conference week the participants made a final numeric
indicator of quality and helpfulness of the reading. In some
instances, their final evaluation differed considerably from
their initial impressions. This may have been because of
further insights that came from other sources of guidance
that tended to corroborate what the I reading had said (even
though initially they had felt that the reading was
inaccurate) or because of changes of thinking stimulated by
the group or individual counseling.
5) Growth in appreciation. This
factor is merely the difference between the initial
impression and the final impression. Apparently some
psychics provide readings that are more appreciated after a
week’s worth of consideration. On the other hand, some
psychics provide readings that make a better first
impression than a lasting one.
6) Composite score. The above
scale scores (with the exception of the growth in
appreciation scale) were combined to provide an overall
evaluation on the part of the conferee of his or her
particular psychic reading. In Chart No.2 the reader will
find a summary of the results of each of the 14 psychics.
The number in parentheses beneath the psychic’s
code number indicates the number of readings by that psychic
which were involved in the analysis. In some instances, the
psychic may have provided more readings than were used in
the data analysis because some of their subjects did not
provide us with comprehensive enough evaluations to include
their data. The numbers in the chart reflect average
figures, so, for example, the average composite score for
psychic no. 7 is approximately 89 points; whereas the
average evidential statement points for psychic no. 3 is 6.8
Chart No. 2

One hypothesis of the researcher was not
validated by these results. It was expected that the
"growth appreciation" scale would overall be a
significant positive figure. The thinking was that
participants would rate their readings higher at the end of
the week than at the beginning. It was expected that this
positive change would be created by the integration of
various sources of guidance as the week progressed (e.g., a
statement from a reading which was threatening and rejected
earlier in the week would be more readily accepted later in
the week as other sources of guidance corroborated it).
Apparently, this "integration of various sources"
was just as likely to produce diminished as enhanced
evaluations of a psychic reading.
In another area of analysis, no
significant results were obtained. This involved the search
for personality factors which might have related to
conferees’ tendencies to evaluate readings in a certain
way. For example, the researchers asked themselves,
"Are people who believe more strongly in ESP more
likely to rate their readings higher?" Or, "Are
conferees who score higher on inter-directedr~ess (from the
P.0.1.) more inclined to score the psychic readings
lower?" The personality characteristics concerned in
these analyses involved all of the P.0.1. scale scores, all
of the Jung-survey scale scores, a question regarding belief
in ESP, as well as a question regarding the conferees’ own
confidence of finding good answers to their four questions.
No significant correlations were obtained with any of these
comparisons when a statistical procedure called regression
analysis was used. This finding was surprising to the
researchers, who had supposed that at least some of these
many personality and temperament factors would be related to
tendencies to view psychic readings in a particular way.
However, it should be kept in mind that the nature of
research is to obtain negative conclusions as well as
positive ones. In this regard, these particular findings are
just as significant as confirmatory ones.
Another interesting area of analysis
concerns the different kinds of questions posed by the
conferees. Recall that each participant submitted four
personal questions well in advance of the conference. On the
first day of the conference, the participant worked along
with his or her group to categorize each of the
questions into one of 10 broad areas. These 10 categories
are listed below:
0==past-life concerns
1==psychological conflicts, problems;
habits, fears
2==love; marriage; divorce; soul mates
3==family; child rearing; parental
4==finances; investments
5==career choices or changes; talents;
6==nonfamily interpersonal issues (e.g.,
my supervisor and myself)
7==predictions of the future
8==philosophical, religious,
metaphysical; spiritual development
9==research: questions of general
At the end of the conference,
participants were asked to report on which source of
guidance had been most helpful with each of their four
questions. (See Chart No. 4.) For purposes of this response,
participants were asked not to include the psychic readings,
but to indicate which non-psychic-reading source of gmdance
was most helpful with each- of the four questions.
Chart No. 3 shows the frequency with
which a particular source of guidance was chosen as the most
helpful with a particular category of question. For example,
the incubated dream was chosen 15 times as the most helpful
non-psychic-reading source of guidance concerning career
questions (category 5). The reader may wish to study this
chart carefully and compare it to his or her own personal
experience or to derive indications that might have general
applicability for seekers other than the participants in
this research study.
Chart No. 3

Chart No. 4

Of course, the psychics themselves were
interested in knowing what kinds of questions they best
answered. For example, psychic no.4 might have wondered,
"Do I do better at past-life questions or general
philosophical questions?" Or psychic no.8 might have
wondered, "Do I do better at financial questions or
relationship questions?" In the chart below, this kind
of analysis is addressed. The average score for particular
types of questions for particular psychics is indicated
here. For example, psychic no. 9 on past-life questions
(category code 0) had an average rating of 8.1. Although
this chart is of greater applicability to the individual
psychics in their self-study, the reader may want to notice
the variance that exists among psychics.
Because of the unique research design for
this project (i.e., each participant received two readings),
we were able to evaluate the psychic readings in an
additional way. In making their evaluations, conferees were
asked to measure two variables. The first, labeled
"commonality," measures the degree to which the
two readings directly corroborated each other. A second
measure, "goodness of fit," evaluates the extent
to which the readings build upon each other. With this
second measure, we are not looking for direct repetition of
information as much as pieces of information that fit
together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. A simple example of
a "good fit" might be one reading pointing out the
conferee’s aversion to the ocean or boat rides, and the
other reading suggesting a past life in which the individual
had drowned in a boating accident.
Chart No. 5 summarizes the average score
on both of these measures computed by category question. We
anticipated that different topics would lend themselves in a
variable fashion to commonality and "goodness of
fit." The figures in this table are supportive of this
notion. Of special note is the relatively low average score
on commonality for interpersonal relations and for questions
associated with past-life concerns. Research questions of
general interest show the highest commonality, although this
might have been anticipated due to the minimal requirement
for personal details found in such questions. On
"goodness of fit," past-life questions and
questions regarding family relations are again particularly
low in their evaluations.
Chart No. 5

In conclusion, these three offerings of a
psychical research program have been quite successful.
Certainly, there are limitations to the research design that
was employed. Not only did it limit us to psychics whose
specialties were readings at a distance, but some of the
other sources of guidance (such as astrology) were not
represented as accurately as they might have been. In future
versions of this research we hope to make improvements that
eliminate these sorts of limitations.
Yet, despite these shortcomings, many
things were accomplished. A relatively intricate,
complicated study was completed which fulfilled the research
ideals to which A.R.E. has committed itself. Clearly, the
subjects/conferees participated as co-researchers with the
A.R.E. staff. From the comments both at the end of the
conference and in follow-up questionnaires, it seems that
for virtually all of the conferees this was a powerful
learning experience. It was also demonstrated that research
work with psychics could be done which incorporated
real-life questions, real-life issues, and in a manner
that the Cayce readings suggested would be helpful to the
participants. Finally, some preliminary conclusions (or
at least indications) were derived which relate to specific
hypotheses in the Cayce readings. For example, there are
indicators that certain kinds of questions lend themselves
more readily to specific kinds of guidance. It was
demonstrated that, for many participants, integration of a
variety of sources of guidance during the course of a week
tended to shape and alter their perception of a psychic
reading as well as their own best answer to a key concern.
This kind of research will continue in
1984. The results from the 1983 research do not appear to be
sufficient yet to create a list of psychics endorsed by the
A.R.E. However, we hope to include in future research those
who did especially well in the 1983 study.
Mark Thurston was project coordinator for several
previous A.R.E. research projects, including ones on
meditation and psychic ability. He is on the faculty of Atlantic University.
Henry Reed designed this psychical research project and its
data analysis strategy. In addition, he prepared the participants ‘evaluation
workbook and, along with Dr. Thurston, conducted the educational portion of the
psychic research weeks. He is Director of the Edgar Cayce Institute for
Intuitive Studies and on the faculty of Atlantic University.
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