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me a copy of your journal for those four weeks. If at all
possible, type them. I would also like you to answer the
following questions:

      1) What is your age and occupation?
      2) For how long have you been recording your dreams?
How regularly? How often have you typically remember-
ed your dreams?

     3) Have you incubated dreams before? By what
methods? How often? With what results?

     4) What dream study experience have you had?
     5) In your experimentation with "phrase-focusing"
incubation, what factors seemed to facilitate successful
incubation, and which ones hindered it? How would you
modify the procedure?

     6) Did you find that the "phrase-focusing" incubation
helped you? Did the incubated dreams help you with
your questions or problems? How, exactly, were they
helpful? If they were not helpful, what seemed to be

     7) What experience have you had with meditation
and/or hypnosis?

   If you will send me a copy of your journal and answers
to the above questions, I shall answer your letter with
whatever helpful comments I can make. Since I plan to
publish a summary of the participants' observations in
my dissertation and in a report for the Community
Dream Journal,
please let me know if you do not want
something published, even anonymously. Thank you
very much for your participation.

     Please send all reports to Gayle Delaney, c/o
Sundance, P.O. Box 595, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451.




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