psychology. I would like to share with you what I learned
from this study and how I went about it.
worked with most of my dreamers in small groups,
but with some I worked individually or through the mail.
I would introduce dream incubation something like this:
incubation is eliciting dreams, at will, on a
given night, that will help you to define and resolve
problems that confront you in daily life. For example, if
you have a difficult decision to make, you can call forth a
dream that will show you why you are having trouble, by
portraying the underlying conflict in terms you can
understand. Or perhaps you are having a hard time
getting along with a relative or friend. You can incubate
a dream that will make it clear to you why, from the
point of view of your unconscious, you have such trouble.
The dream will thus offer you a way out of an
interpersonal deadlock. You can elicit dreams that will
go a long way towards unscrambling past dreams that
have puzzled you. With practice, you can learn to
incubate dreams on almost anything— what to do next in
your career, what is troubling you in meditation, why
you find yourself discontented with your family, why it's
so hard for you to lose weight or give up habits of
thought and behavior that you know are defeating you.
You can ask rather far-reaching questions like, 'Why did
I choose to be born into my family?' Or, 'Why did I
psychically arrange to be in that auto accident?' Or,
'What happens at death?' The incubated dreams will
come the same night you ask them to help you out with a
problem. They will be messages from various levels of
your inner self. The dreams may redefine your problem
for you, translating the problem from the way you
consciously see it into the way your inner self sees it. The
discrepancy can be very enlightening. The dreams may
present alternatives to your dilemma that you've not
considered. They might also present a possible
resolution for you to try out during subsequent days.
They might introduce you to whole new areas of psychic
awareness and understanding. Finally, sometimes
incubated dreams seem to have a resolving, soothing,