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analysis of the results of our research projects.
      For amount of recall we assign numerical values to the
seven categories of recall: 0=0, A=l, I=2, F=4, P=8,
M=16, and W=32. After making these numerical
translations, the total amount of dream recall, whether
for a single day, a week or a month, can be obtained by
adding up the numerical ratings. For example, if on day 1
there was a dream recalled with rating F, and one with
rating M, then the total dream recall for that day would
be 4+16=20. If on day 2, there was a dream recalled
with rating P, the total dream recall for that day would
be 8. The total dream recall for days 1 and 2 combined
would be 20+8=28.

      For vividness of recall we first deal with each
qualitative category separately. The ratings are already
in numerical form, but since an unequal number of
dreams may be involved for two comparison periods, it is
necessary to work in terms of averages. Thus we add up
the vividness ratings for a particular category over the
time period involved and then divide that total by the
number of dreams rated. For example, suppose we are
working with the category of color and are comparing
the vividness of color retention for dreams recalled on
day 1 versus day 2. On the first day, two dreams are
recalled, say with color vividness ratings of 0 and 2. The
average rating would then be 0+2 =2÷2 dreams +1.
For the second day, one dream was recalled, say with a
color vividness rating of 2. Here we would have 2÷l=2.
After the average vividness ratings are computed for
each of the separate categories an overall average
vividness rating for that time period can be obtained by
adding up the individual averages.

Symbol                    Meaning and Scoring System

 A      AWARENESS: Knowledge of dreaming but no content-               recalled.
 I        INDEFINITE: Recall of some content, but no knowledge of
              theme of dream.
 F      FRAGMENTARY: Recall of content with dream theme, but
              with no flow to the narrative to indicate the chain of events.
 P      PARTIAL: At least one transition to show flow in the narra-


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