and find out if the person is really dead. Although I'm
afraid I'll find him dead after all, I look at him and
discover that he has always been alive. He has been only
dormant all this time. I go to the window and adjust the
blinds. Then I sit on my side of the bed. He reaches out
and encircles my waist with his arm. Succumbing to
gentle pressure, I lay back resting against him, seeming
to almost melt, my fear dissipating at last.
Waterbury, Connecticut)
am holding one of my plants, a Kalanchoe in a white
plastic pot. I decide to propagate it by taking a leaf
cutting and starting a new plant.
(L.S., Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina)
strange, your subscription notice arrived the
very day that I remembered a dream for the first time in.
over six years. What I remembered of the dream is that
it was about a fair-haired young boy. (T.L., Hampton,
I read your subscription notice, including your
invitation to participate in dream research, I thought,
"What a come-on." I planned to subscribe, but of course
did not write a dream letter as proposed. But sure
enough, early this morning I awoke from a dream in
which the activities I am involved with at my place of
work were pointed up in a dream journal. I recall the
journal being open to the pages on which were the most
recent entries. (P.V.D., Providence, Rhode Island)
we can note some of the themes that are common
to several of the dreams. There is the theme of group
activity: the convention, the ceremony and the ocean
liner cruise, for example, which may reflect the
Community aspect of the journal. There is also the theme