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the others for a later issue when their relevance could be
more clearly appreciated. At the end of the list of
dreams, we have presented some very brief comments,
compiled from the reactions of our editors. We invite
your comments as well. We also extend the invitation
again to you and your dreams to comment on our
cooperative journal experiment.

     I am standing waiting in the hallway of a large hotel
when the doors to a convention or ballroom are opened. I
walk in with many other people and take a seat at one of
the many large, long tables that are arranged in vertical
rows toward a center dais. A man stands behind the dais.
It is understood that this gathering is for the "Sundance
Community Dream Journal." The man asks us to identify
ourselves. With that, everyone jumps up, thrusting both
hands into the air. We shout, "Who are we?" answering a
question with a question. I write out a check to
Sundance, saying that this is all I have.
(R.R.R., Chicago,

     I am in front of my house telling a neighbor about the
"Sundance Community Dream Journal." As I am doing
so, both the screen door and my regular door suddenly
swing wide open.
(J.H., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

     I walk into a cave with a small group of people. The
entrance is a tunnel with a line of Indians on each side.
The lines remind me of a receiving line except that no
one speaks to us. We reach the end of the tunnel which
opens into a cave with a large fire in the middle of the
floor. The cave isn't large but neither does it seem
crowded by the number of people. A curved downgrade
to the right leads to the cave floor. There are Indians all
along the wall of the cave and a few dancing around the
fire. The dancers are in pairs. My companions all go
down to the cave floor. I step back into the tunnel where
I can not see the cave because I am not sure that the
Indians would want us watching such an important


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