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In the recently discovered Gospel According to Thomas,
Jesus describes this process in the following manner.

     "Let him who seeks, not cease seeking until
he finds, and when he finds, he will be troubled,
and when he has been troubled, he will marvel
and he will reign over the All."

                                              (Guillaumont, p. 3)

     In a similar manner, Carl Jung discusses in his psycho-
logical commentary on The Secret of the Golden Flower
the challenges of growing self-awareness:

     "The way is not without danger. Everything
good is costly, and the development of the
personality is one of the most costly of all
things. It is a question of yea-saying to oneself,
of taking oneself to the most serious of tasks, of
being conscious of everything one does, and
keeping it constantly before one's eyes in all
dubious aspects—truly a task that taxes us to
the utmost ..."

                                              (Wilhelm, p. 95)

     I have to admit that the truth has seemed to trouble
me more than free me. I guess the promise is yet to

      Since the inception of lucidity into my dream life, the
lucid dream has clearly evolved in a specific direction-
toward a closer relationship to the inner Light. Many
times has it presented itself, but never have I received it
fully. I have begun to regard lucidity as a platform within
the dream upon which I can become receptive to this
Light. During the first lucid dreams, I was not aware of
this opportunity. But gradually, a light began to appear
in my dreams which I at first mistook for a bright star,
the moon or the sun. Usually bright white in color, it
would suddenly appear hovering above me and
increasing in intensity. One of the first such dreams is as


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