ill person can regain his health by being whirled by
centrifugal force for a period of time. This causes the
vibrations of various parts of the body to become
synchronized ...
vibration, movement around a circle is pure
movement; it actually goes nowhere. The mystery of
manifestation may perhaps be experienced in vibratory
activity, such as in ritual trance dance. The body is in
motion yet in the middle of it all there opens an
experience of the stillness and then the light, the
re-creation of consciousness. The following dream, again
from a participant in the A.R.E. Dream Research
Project, suggests the mystical significance of dance:
I am in a courtyard. It is dark and I am alone. I am
aware of being judged and condemned. Suddenly, I see a
glow coming toward me. As it grows brighter, I see that
it is Jesus. He stands before me, and I fall to my knees in
tears. I kiss His feet, then His hands, and He raises me
up. We both smile and embrace like long lost friends. He
takes me by the hand and leads me out of the courtyard.
We come to a stairway up a hill and ascend, while the
light becomes stronger. We climb to the top and find
ourselves on a very green hill in broad daylight. There
are many young people circling the hill, dressed in long,
white robes embroidered with bright colors, and with
flowers entwined in their hair. We join the circle and
dance the Jewish Hora ...
dancing? Sure enough, in the Acts of John
recorded in The Apocryphal New Testament there is a
description of a round dance led by Jesus to initiate His
apostles into the mystery:
bade us therefore make as it were a ring,
holding one another's hands, and himself stand-
ing in the midst he said: Answer Amen unto
me." (Verse 94)